West Philadelphia SDA Church

We are so excited that you have taken the time to visit our website. We are a family-oriented, child-friendly church. Our Sabbath School classes are grouped to accommodate all age groups. A mothers’ room is available for your convenience if you have tiny tots. It has a one way mirror attached to the sanctuary, and is equipped with all the amenities a parent and young child will need.

So, come and experience God’s amazing love with us. We hope you'll make the choice to come fellowship with us very soon.

Now, "may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NIV


Please join us each Sabbath at 9:30am for our interactive and enriching Sabbath School (in-person or online), and at 12:00pm (in-person or online) for an encouraging word, uplifting music and heartfelt praise. Please click on the links below to access this week’s service.

Sabbath School on Zoom

(Meeting Room 802549930 / Passcode 5707)

Worship Service Live-Stream

Tune in every Saturday @12PM. Don't miss a thing: Follow us on Facebook and subscribe on YouTube so you can be notified when we are streaming.

Weekly eBulletin

You can sign up to have your weekly eBulletin emailed to you. All that is required is your name and email address. Click here